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Resources for Breast Cancer Awareness and Education

Written by Helen Balausac | 10/18/22 12:45 PM

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time to increase awareness of the disease and to remind you that early detection is the best way to fight the second leading cause of cancer among women. Breast cancer refers to a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is also a time to make aware of the challenges that still remain, it is about reducing the inequalities that exist across races, genders and ethnicities and removing barriers to care for the people it affects.

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, nearly 279,000 women and men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 42,000 are expected to die from cancer in the U.S. alone. Through research grants, scientists have been able to understand breast cancer and develop better treatments. As a result, more lives are being saved. But there is still work to be done to help people live better, longer lives. 


Ways You Can Help

Your network can be so powerful! Use your passion, voice, and resources to help those fighting breast cancer and make sure they have access to support, screenings, and the care they deserve. Here are some ways you can help:


Rally In Screening Everyone

  • Take the Mammo Pledge and get free resources to make screening easier.

  • Make a donation to provide life-saving mammograms to women in need.


Rally In Serving Everyone

Rally In Sharing Everywhere

 Spread the word about breast cancer awareness on your social channels throughout October


Resources for Breast Cancer Awareness and Support 

Whether you’re supporting education, helping reach women in underserved communities or funding a mammogram, your donations matter. Click here to see how your contribution could be used!