The Harvard business school wanted to offer branded merchandise to students and staff within their executive education program to generate school pride and appreciation however HBS wanted the first piece of merchandise to be a gift from the school. additional products should be encouraged to be purchased by the participants but not required. Gifts and products were purchased and distributed by hbs order-by-order as they came in from the students.


Each student gets to select their branded piece and size just for being in the program. The difficulty became tracking, organizing, and fulfilling the different requests as they came in. Day by day ordering became too much of a headache and often caused confusion or shipping delays. HBS needed a more coordinated system as students made their choices.


Stran’s team of experts answered HBS needs by suggesting and developing an online pop-up store. Each member of the executive education program is assigned one point which they in turn can use to purchase a piece of merchandise of their choice online. After choosing their product and size, they are automatically shown additional retail items they can select for purchase. The store is open for a limited time only. At the conclusion of the ordering period, all the orders and data are collected at once. This allows for the fulfillment to be carried out in one swift, organized process. Best of all, the product comes retail-ready, bagged labeled, and shipped directly to participants' rooms.



There are now four different pop-up stores that go live for a limited amount of time. Each store has allowed students to get their appropriate sizes and selections, while affording HBS some needed organization and relief from having to manage many different orders over an indefinite timeline.

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