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Do it yourself products

05.05.2020 | trends, Helpful Products, Consumers



Do It Yourself Products


There’s no denying that the summer of 2020 will look a little different than summers of the past. With the lingering effects of Covid-19 being all too real, there will be some changes. However, beaches will re-open, parks will re-open and the weather’s going to warm back up. We need to try our best to enjoy this summer because frankly, we’ve earned it.

So what are the top promo products going to look like for the coming months? According to AdAge, one trend among consumers is going to be DIY (Do it yourself). It’s said that it takes the average person 66 days to develop a habit, with quarantine lasting roughly that duration, many consumers have become DIY dependent. This trend will last far beyond quarantine and it’s going to be a prominent trend for the summer of 2020 and beyond.


Cooking Kits


With so much time on our hands, it seems like more and more people are refining their skills behind the apron! Trying new recipes and becoming more familiar in the kitchen & on the grill has been a popular trend throughout the past couple of months. So, why stop now? Keep the recipes rolling by equipping your clients/team with branded cooking sets! From barbecue tools to popsicle tubes and everywhere in between, make sure your brand is on display now that kitchens become increasingly crowded.


Gardening Kits


Warm weather has arrived! With that, home gardens have been growing in popularity. This trend will only pick up as spring shifts to summer. So, why not encourage this healthy & helpful trend by providing clients & employees with a tool kit for their new hobby? Encourage healthy eating and summer fun with branded gardening sets.


Home Fitness


The weather has warmed and everyone’s looking to get out of the house. Encourage healthy living by creating branded home fitness kits. Branded water bottles, yoga mats, exercise bands & more are great items to consider including in this care package. With so many being forced to find alternatives to the gym during quarantine, home fitness is in full swing and it’s here to stay during the warmer months. This is a great opportunity to promote your brand and to encourage physical health.

As the world continues to become increasingly self-reliant, the DIY trend is here to stay! The way we market to the world will look considerably different as many continue adopting social distancing practices. Consider these kits as a foot in the door to promoting your brand in the everyday lives of your end-user this summer.


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